By: admin
Why should a common person bother to understand groundwater?
We all are groundwater users. Farmers use it for irrigation, industries for production and a vast majority of the population use it for drinking and domestic purposes. Although a renewable resource, Groundwater is limited in its occurrence in time and space. The mindless pursuit for extracting more and more groundwater by all the users has already started exerting tremendous pressure on this limited resource. A good part of groundwater is also fast becoming unfit for human use due to natural and anthropological activities.
As water level is falling at an alarming rate in most parts of the hard rock areas of the country, farmers are continuously struggling to cope with the situation. Millions of open dug wells have either gone dry or are yielding little water, mostly seasonally. Deepening a dug well in hard rock areas is expensive and difficult (needs blasting). Even after that, there is no guarantee that regional water levels will not go down any further in the near future, demanding more deepening.
In the absence of proper guidance, many desperate farmers take a chance and invest in drilling deep bore well. Unfortunately, this gamble often does not pay as the bore well fails to yield the requisite quantity of water. A failure like this causes a huge financial burden to the farmer and takes away his spirit and hope for a long time to come.
In order to have a dependable source of water, most farmers, industries, housing colonies and others construct their bore well. But such ventures are not free from problems as the users face frequent financial losses and inconveniences due to associated uncertainties.