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The Ultimate Guide to Groundwater Management Solutions
It’s important to take care of groundwater so that we can use our valuable water sources in the future. This detailed guide will show you how to deal with common issues in managing groundwater in a way that works, as well as give you useful advice on how to keep the quality and quantity of water high.
1. Using environmentally friendly pumping methods: Using environmentally friendly pumping methods, such as limiting pumping and promoting technologies that use less water, helps keep groundwater from running out and makes sure there is water for a long time.
2. Managed Groundwater Recharge: We use techniques like managed aquifer recharge, rainwater collection, and infiltration basins to recharge groundwater to keep the water supply steady.
3. Checking the Quality of Groundwater: Drawing samples and analyzing them on a regular basis to check the quality of groundwater helps find contaminants and stop pollution, which keeps our water sources clean.
4. Establishing rules and regulations: Strict rules and regulations that monitor the extraction, use, and pollution of groundwater aid in safeguarding its quality and quantity while also ensuring adherence to environmental standards.
5. Encouraging Water Conservation: Some ways to get people to save water are to fix leaks, use appliances that use less water, and water their plants in a smart way. This keeps groundwater resources safe and cuts down on water waste.
6. involve stakeholders: getting people from communities, businesses, and government agencies involved in the decision-making process promotes trust, teamwork, and action for long-term groundwater management.

7. Spending money on monitoring tools: Using advanced monitoring tools like remote sensing, GIS mapping, and groundwater modeling can help managers make decisions and get a better picture of groundwater resources.
8. Teaching People: To build a culture of water stewardship, use outreach programs, workshops, and educational campaigns to teach people why it’s important to protect groundwater and manage it in a way that doesn’t hurt the environment.
9. Supporting Research and Innovation: Research and innovation projects continuously improve the management of water resources. These projects try to develop new technologies, tools, and strategies for managing groundwater over the long term.
10. Using integrated management approaches: Managing groundwater by considering the connections between surface water and groundwater systems aids in resource management and ensures environmentally friendly water use.
We can keep our water resources safe for future generations by using these groundwater management ideas to handle issues like pollution, depletion, and long-term use.
NEER has been established as an Independent Ground Water Management Consultancy Organization with the full support of the Senior Hydro-geologist of the country Mr. M. MEHTA, Ex-Commissioner Ground Water, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India.
NEER is an Accredited Consultant by the Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) for the preparation of Ground Water withdrawal Impact Assessment report in accordance with the Guidelines issued vide notification No. 3289(E) dt: 24th September 2020 by CGWA duly followed by other States. NEER is also empaneled, registered and notified Consultant for Rainwater Harvesting designing and implementation by the U.P. government.
NEER has joined in this endeavor to provide clean water to masses around the year, propagating for conservation and preservation of water including Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge to groundwater. This is being a part of the water management process to fulfill the dreams of NEER, “Water should be Conserved and Wastage Prevented” and “Everybody should get the needed water being the crux of Life”.
NEER is working in the field of groundwater management, intending to provide robust consultancy services to Government Departments, Firms, Companies – Private and Public Sector, Institutions, on the Assessment and Management of Water, Environment, and Pollution Control.) Industries, Infrastructures and Mining Projects to meet their water supply requirements as per existing protocols. It also aims at capacity building of stakeholders in Groundwater Investigations and its Management.
We work on NO-COMPROMISE POLICY. Our team members have conducted studies on Environment and Water Management throughout the country and abroad.
NEER has already executed many applied Research and Implementation Projects. Timeliness and Client satisfaction are the essences of this organization’s consultancy philosophy.
NEER has multi-disciplinary human resources for providing on-site solutions for all groundwater problems. It includes training on Groundwater issues through a well-developed curriculum by Scientists and Trainers.
The Research and Consultancy assignments are being carried out by experts in different fields with long and wide-ranging experience. NEER is also drawing on the expertise in relevant subject matters from the experts of Academic and Research Institutions of National and International repute. Follow us on Facebook & Instagram.