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How a Groundwater Consultant Can Save Your Project
A groundwater consultant can save your project by ensuring the successful and long-term implementation of all groundwater management elements. Their knowledge makes mistakes and fines from the government less likely. Methodology
A groundwater consultant is a valuable resource in several respects.
Firstly. Site assessments: A groundwater consultant thoroughly examines a site to determine whether its groundwater resources are appropriate for your project. This facilitates the early detection of issues and the preparation of solutions.
I. Keeping to the regulations Navigating the intricate regulatory environment can be challenging. A groundwater consultant ensures your project complies with all federal, state, and local regulations. This keeps you out of legal trouble and keeps the project moving forward on schedule.
Three. Verifying the water quality The success of any project depends on the high quality of the groundwater. Groundwater monitoring consultants recommend solutions to ensure standard compliance.
No. Effective resource management A groundwater consultant creates strategies for long-term groundwater use, making sure your project doesn’t deplete or harm this important resource. This covers developing efficient groundwater recharge and storage systems.
Five. Evaluations of effects Groundwater consultants conduct impact assessments to determine how your project will affect the groundwater resources in your area. This promotes the sustainability of the environment and lessens the negative effects.
Six. Savings on expenses A groundwater consultant can guarantee compliance with rules and spot potential problems, significantly lowering project costs. Superior project management entails avoiding penalties, hold-ups, and problem-solving expenses.
Engaging a groundwater consultant can help you steer clear of issues and unanticipated expenses. Your project will be successful and environmentally beneficial thanks to their expertise in site assessments, observing regulations, monitoring water quality, sustainable resource management, and impact assessments.
NEER has been established as an Independent Ground Water Management Consultancy Organization with the full support of the Senior Hydro-geologist of the country Mr. M. MEHTA, Ex-Commissioner Ground Water, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India.
NEER is an Accredited Consultant by the Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) for the preparation of Ground Water withdrawal Impact Assessment report in accordance with the Guidelines issued vide notification No. 3289(E) dt: 24th September 2020 by CGWA duly followed by other States. NEER is also empaneled, registered and notified Consultant for Rainwater Harvesting designing and implementation by the U.P. government.
NEER has joined in this endeavor to provide clean water to masses around the year, propagating for conservation and preservation of water including Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge to groundwater. This is being a part of the water management process to fulfill the dreams of NEER, “Water should be Conserved and Wastage Prevented” and “Everybody should get the needed water being the crux of Life”.
NEER is working in the field of groundwater management, intending to provide robust consultancy services to Government Departments, Firms, Companies – Private and Public Sector, Institutions, on the Assessment and Management of Water, Environment, and Pollution Control.) Industries, Infrastructures and Mining Projects to meet their water supply requirements as per existing protocols. It also aims at capacity building of stakeholders in Groundwater Investigations and its Management.
We work on NO-COMPROMISE POLICY. Our team members have conducted studies on Environment and Water Management throughout the country and abroad.
NEER has already executed many applied Research and Implementation Projects. Timeliness and Client satisfaction are the essences of this organization’s consultancy philosophy.
NEER has multi-disciplinary human resources for providing on-site solutions for all groundwater problems. It includes training on Groundwater issues through a well-developed curriculum by Scientists and Trainers.
The Research and Consultancy assignments are being carried out by experts in different fields with long and wide-ranging experience. NEER is also drawing on the expertise in relevant subject matters from the experts of Academic and Research Institutions of National and International repute. Follow us on Facebook & Instagram.