By: admin
Guidelines for Bulk water suppliers
Guidelines for Ground Water abstraction for bulk water supply
As per the new guidelines, all those users abstracting ground water and using it for supply as bulk water supplies through private tankers will now mandatorily seek No Objection Certificate for ground water abstraction.
Documents to be submitted with the application
i. Proof of ownership of land of size 200 sq m or more on which abstraction structure is installed
ii. Proof of ownership/Lease of tanker.
iii. Groundwater quality report.
General Conditions
i. All tankers shall be labeled “Potable Water”.
ii. Abstraction structures shall be fitted with tamper proof digital water flow meter with telemetry. Flow meters shall be calibrated once in a year from an authorized agency.
iii. Water shall be used for drinking/domestic purpose only.
iv. Water quality being supplied by the bulk water supplier shall be adhered to BIS norms for drinking and domestic purpose.
v. Filling of tanker shall be done only within the premises.
vi. Per day quantum of ground water withdrawal shall be limited to as given below:
S. No. | Assessment Unit | Permissible groundwater Withdrawal (m3/d ) Limit |
1. | Overexploited | 50 |
2. | Critical and Semi Critical | 100 |
3. | Safe | 150 |
No Objection Certificate shall be issued with a validity term of 2 years for all the assessment units.
Renewal of NOC
i. No objection certificate shall be renewed periodically, subject to the compliance of the conditions mentioned therein:
ii. The applicant shall apply for renewal of No Objection Certificate at least ninety days prior to expiry of its validity.
iii. Application for renewal of No Objection Certificate shall be accompanied by the Compliance Report.
iv. Before granting renewal, Central Ground Water Authority or State/ UT Authority shall satisfy itself that the conditions of No Objection Certificate have been duly complied with.
v. If the application for renewal is submitted in time and the CGWA/ the respective State/ UT Authority is unable to process the application in time, No Objection Certificate shall be deemed to be extended till the date of renewal of No Objection Certificate.
vi. If the applicant fails to apply within the validity period of NOC, the proponent shall be liable to pay Environmental Compensation for the period starting from the date of expiry of No Objection Certificate till No Objection Certificate is renewed by the competent authority.
Ground Water abstraction/ restoration charges
The bulk water suppliers shall pay groundwater abstraction charges as per Table-1. The bulk water suppliers drawing ground water in overexploited assessment units shall pay the groundwater restoration charges as per the Table-2.
Table-1: Groundwater abstraction charges for Bulk/Tanker water supplies | |
Category | Rate per m3 (in Rs.) |
Safe | 10 |
Semi Critical | 20 |
Critical | 25 |
Table-2: Groundwater abstraction charges for Bulk/Tanker water supplies | |
Category | Rate per m3 (in Rs.) |
Over Exploited | 35 |
Other important Conditions
i. Sale of ground water by a person/ agency not having valid no objection certificate from CGWA/State Ground Water Authority is not permitted.
ii. Non-compliance of conditions mentioned in the No Objection Certificate may be taken as sufficient reason for cancellation of no objection certificate accorded/ nonrenewal of No Objection Certificate.
iii. No application shall be entertained without supporting documents as specified in relevant section.
iv. Abstraction structure(s) should be located inside the premises of project property.
v. Self compliance of conditions laid down in the no objection certificate shall be reported by the users online in the web portal of Central Ground Water Authority/State Ground Water Authority.
vi. Extraction of ground water for commercial use without a valid No Objection Certificate from appropriate authority shall be considered illegal and such entities shall be liable to pay Environmental Compensation for the quantum of ground water so extracted, as per Section 15 of S.O. 3289(E) dated 24.09.2020.
vii. Penalty provision for non Compliance of No Objection Certificate conditions shall be applicable as per Section 16 of S.O. 3289(E) dated 24.09.2020.
viii. Processing fee prescribed, if any, from time to time shall be charged for various services.