Groundwater NOC Approval: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
As our world shifts increasingly towards sustainable and eco-conscious practices, there’s an emerging recognition of the delicate balance between development and environmental conservation. At the heart of this balance, especially in the world of real estate and urban planning, lies the Groundwater NOC, an emblem of responsible and mindful growth.
Groundwater: The Unsung Hero of Ecosystems
Groundwater, in its simplest essence, is the water found beneath the earth’s surface, cradled in the pores and spaces between rocks and gravel. This unseen reservoir plays a pivotal role in urban and natural ecosystems alike. Its influence extends from preventing land erosion and offering a life source for agriculture to maintaining the very balance of our delicate ecosystems.
What is Groundwater NOC Approval?
Imagine being handed a ‘green light’ before embarking on any groundwater-related endeavor; that’s precisely what the Groundwater NOC (No Objection Certificate) offers. It serves as a vital regulatory mechanism, ensuring that our precious groundwater resources are neither misused nor depleted but are harnessed sustainably.
Why is groundwater NOC important?
The consequences of turning a blind eye to groundwater management can be dire. From the ground sinking beneath our feet (land subsidence) to causing irreversible ecological damage, the ramifications are manifold. The NOC steps in as a proactive measure, ensuring that such hazards are preempted and aptly prevented.
Navigating the NOC Approval Process:
Obtaining the NOC isn’t a labyrinthine task, but it certainly demands meticulousness. A thorough application with precise documentation serves as the starting point for the journey. Along the way, hydrological surveys weigh in, experts offer their invaluable insights, and regulatory bodies ensure that every box is checked off.
Benefits of Securing Groundwater NOC:
While compliance is a driving reason, the Groundwater NOC is so much more than just a ticket to regulatory approval. It stands as a testament to responsible development, potentially enhancing property values, bolstering project reputation, and building unparalleled stakeholder trust.
Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them:
The road to NOC approval, while straightforward, does have its occasional bumps. Common missteps range from incomplete documentation to oversight of specific regulations. The key lies in staying informed, seeking expert guidance, and, most importantly, not rushing the process.
Looking Ahead: Groundwater and Sustainable Development
Imagine a future where towering skyscrapers and sprawling green landscapes coexist in harmony and where real estate development doesn’t come at nature’s expense. Such a vision isn’t utopian but attainable, especially with mechanisms like groundwater NOC approvals guiding the way.
The Groundwater NOC is more than just a certificate; it’s a beacon guiding the path towards progressive, responsible, and eco-friendly development. For those embarking on this journey, remember that the NOC process isn’t a hurdle but a testament to our commitment to a greener, more sustainable future.
About Ground Water Clearance
In accordance to the guidelines issued by Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) dated 24th September 2020, constituted under the Environmental Protection Act, All Industries, Infrastructure & Mining projects withdrawing Ground Water are required to get prior permission that is No objection certificate (NOC) from Central Ground Water Authority or State Specific Ground Water Authority whichever is Applicable .
Non-compliance of NOC conditions may attract a Penalty.

What are the Various Authorities that are Providing Ground Water Clearance?
Central Ground water Authority has been constituted to regulate and control development and management of ground water resources in the country. It is Providing Ground water Clearance in Various states where as other states are managed by their own State Specific Ground water Authority.
Who all need Ground Water Clearance and Why?
Any new and existing Industries, group housing societies and private water supply tankers, Infrastructures Projects and Mining Projects are required to get a No Objection Certificate (NOC) for withdrawal of Groundwater.
- Preparation of all required technical reports as per site-specific parameters.
- Guidance for other documentation as per Govt. Guidelines and project requirements for obtaining required permits.
- Apply the application on a state-specific online portal for issuance of NOC. (reframe the sentence)
- Guidance for getting NOC, including query reply, if any;
- Post NOC advice and guidance for implementation of required compliances for issuance of final NOC.
RWH is the technique of collecting, storing and distributing rainwater for multiple uses. The collected water can be stored for direct use or diverted for borewell/groundwater recharge. In simple terms it is a way to capture the rainwater when it rains, for later use.
Water Crisis is common in Urban and Rural areas in India. This is more felt in urban areas due to population concentration. In hilly regions, even though water is available in limited quantities, crises are handled due to the drying up of the sources. Rainfall is one of the important source of fresh water is a significant throughout the Country. Rainwater Harvesting is one of the important solution to mitigate the water crisis as the copious volume of water goes waste during the rainy season.
Thus Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge of Groundwater have to be adopted to provide sustainability to the water supply.
Any Rainwater Harvesting system has three components: Catchment, Conveyance, and Storage. There are two classes of Rainwater Harvesting systems:
- Systems which collect roof runoff for household use.
- Systems which use in field or adjoining catchment to provide supplemental irrigation for Agriculture.

Following are the advantages of implementing Rainwater Harvesting in Industrial Premises;
Availability of Water– Assured water availability at the time and place of need.
Sustainability to existing Wells– It increase sustainability of wells and reduction in failure of wells due to decline of Groundwater levels.
Improvement of Groundwater Quality– It improves the Groundwater quality as dilution is the best solution for Groundwater pollution.
Reduction in Hazards-It will reduce hazards due to water stagnation and flood during the rainy season.
Reduction in Damage Cost-The damage to roads due to stagnation of water will reduce, thereby reduction in the cost of maintenance and better mobility of vehicles.
Cost-Effective– it is very cost-effective measure to conserve water.
Maintain Water Level– By adopting Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge.
Thus, Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge to Groundwater is the need of the hour as it is the most environment-friendly solution for augmenting water availability. Everybody can adopt these measures in their building of any kind or size.
Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge system are influenced by numerous site-specific parameters and factors to avail maximum efficiency and effectiveness. A few factors influencing the design of RWH & AR systems are as under: –
- Physical & climatic parameters Hydro-meteorological data.
- Hydrological parameters.
- Hydro-geological parameters.
- Chemical quality of source & groundwater.
NEER offers its services in the following aspects:
- To assess the requirement of Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge system.
- To assess the confluence point of any other type of water with rainwater and suggest its handling.
- Assess the lithology within the premises to develop the most effective, efficient, and economical Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge system.
- To prepare a technical report on desired Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge system.
- To design the Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge system.
- To prepare the BOQ and cost estimates to develop a suitable Rainwater Harvesting system.
- In the case of the development of the RWH & AR system in any of the premises, the development of the RWH & AR system attracts the consideration of the following factors that influence the cost and its implementation.
- Channelization of rooftop rainwater up to recharge shaft.
- Recharge shaft, which again depends upon the catchment area of the recharge shaft.
- Availability of land for development of proper rainwater retention trench;
- The injection method and depth of Injection well again depend upon the geological condition and aquifer parameters.
- Expected Source water and Groundwater quality.
NEER also offers its services on a turnkey basis the implement the designed rooftop Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge system in the subject premises under its supervision
Design Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge system on site-specific parameters and Govt Guidelines for your premises and obtain an offer.
What is Ground Water Impact Assessment Study?
As per the new guidelines notified on 24.09.2020, all industries extracting/proposing to extract ground water in excess of 100 m3/day in Over-exploited, Critical and Semicritical areas shall have to mandatorily submit impact assessment report prepared by Accredited consultants of CGWA.
The proforma for report that was made available on the NOCAP website of Central Ground water Authority duly followed by all other State Ground Water Authorities.

• Impact Assessment Report Includes Brief of Project, Topography, Drainage, Hydrogeology, details of Tube wells, Comprehensive assessment of the impact on the ground water regime in and around the project area NEER is an accredited consultant of CGWA for providing Impact Assessment Report.