Rainwater Harvesting and artificial recharge system are influenced by numerous Site-specific parameters in continuation.
parameters and factors to avail maximum efficiency and effectiveness. A few factors influencing the design of RWH & AR systems are as under:-
1. Physical & climatic parameters.
2. Hydrometeorological data.
3. Hydrological parameters.
4. Hydro-geological parameters.
5. Chemical quality of source & groundwater.
The Research and consultancy assignments are being carried out by experts in different fields with long and wide-ranging experience. The NEER is also drawing on the expertise in relevant subject matters from the experts of academic and research institutions of National and International repute.

NEER offers its services in the following aspects:
- To assess the requirement of Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge.
- To assess the confluence point of any other type of water with rainwater.
- To assess the lithology within the premises to develop the most effective, efficient and economic rainwater harvesting and artificial recharge.
- To prepareĀ technical reports on desired Rainwater Harvesting and artificial recharge.
- To design the Rainwater Harvesting and artificial recharge System.
- To prepare the BOQ and cost estimates to develop a suitable rainwater harvesting System.
- In the case of the development of the RWH & AR system in any of the premises, the development of the RWH & AR system attracts the consideration of the following factors that influence the cost.
- Channelization of rooftop rainwater up to recharge.
- Recharge shaft, which again depends upon the catchment area of the recharge.
- Availability of land for development of proper rainwater retention trench.
- Injection method and depth of Injection well, which again depends upon the geological condition, and aquifer
- Expected Source water and Groundwater.
NEER also offers its services on a turnkey basis the implement the designed rooftop Rainwater Harvesting and artificial recharge system in the subject premises under its supervision.
Design Rainwater Harvesting and artificial recharge system on site-specific parameters and Govt Guidelines for your premises and obtain an offer.