Guidelines for construction of piezometers and monitoring of groundwater levels and quality
Piezometer is a borewell/tubewell used only for measuring the water level by lowering a tape/sounder or automatic/digital water level measuring equipment. It also takes a water sample for water quality testing whenever needed. General guidelines for the installation of piezometers are as follows:
- The piezometer is to be installed/constructed at the minimum distance of 50 m from the pumping well through which groundwater is withdrawn. The diameter of the piezometer should be about four inches to six inches.
- The depth of the piezometer should be the same as that of the pumping well from which groundwater is being abstracted. If more than one pumping well is constructed tapping aquifers at different depths, more than one piezometer shall be required to tap different aquifers as in the pumping wells.
- The measurement of water level in the piezometer should be taken only after the pumping from the surrounding tubewells has been stopped for about four to six hours.
- The groundwater quality has to be monitored once a year during the pre-monsoon (April/ May) period by industries and mines drawing groundwater. Samples of groundwater should be analyzed from NABL accredited laboratory.
- A permanent display board should be installed at the Piezometer/ Tubewell site to provide the location, piezometer/ tubewell number, depth, and zone tapped of the piezometer/tubewell for standard referencing and identification.
- Any other site-specific requirements regarding safety and access for measurement may be taken care off.