Getting Clean and Safe Water: Exploring Water Treatment Technologies
Drinking Water Treatment Using reverse osmosis technology, we provide drinking water solutions for offices, factories, schools, and restaurants. Our portable water purification systems and large treatment plants are reliable ways to get clean, safe drinking water. Boiler Water Treatment In order to achieve maximum performance from your boiler, proper water treatment management is necessary. In [...] Read moreEvaluating the Impacts of a Development on Groundwater with GWIA
Groundwater impact assessment (GWIA) is a tool that is used to assess the potential impacts of a proposed development on groundwater resources. GWIA looks at how proposed activities might affect the quality, quantity, and ecosystems that depend on groundwater. 1. Identify Your Study Area: Identify the proposed development area and surrounding area that will be [...] Read moreWhat is Ground Water Impact Assessment Study?
As per the new guidelines notified on 24.09.2020, all industries extracting/proposing to extract ground water in excess of 100 m3/day in Over-exploited, Critical and Semicritical areas shall have to mandatorily submit an impact assessment report prepared by Accredited consultants of CGWA. The proforma for report that was made available on the NOCAP website of Central [...] Read moreWhere can RWH be Implemented?
RWH can be done in homes, apartments, societies, schools, institutions, commercial premises and any other space as long as there is a catchment area in the form of a roof or open space to capture the rain. Domestic rainwater harvesting is a relatively simpler affair, where even a rain barrel can serve as a storage [...] Read moreRainwater Harvesting (RWH) System for Individual Houses
Rainwater harvesting techniques have already been devised and used since ancient times. These were implemented at the community level in areas where rainfall is the only major source of fresh water, mainly in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. In Southern India, rainwater harvesting systems are integrated into their architecture in the form of small ponds/tanks for [...] Read moreGlossary of technical terms used
1. Safe area: Area categorized as SAFE from the groundwater resources point of view, based on the latest groundwater resources assessment carried out jointly by CGWB and State groundwater organizations. 2. Semi-critical area: Area categorized as SEMI-CRITICAL from the groundwater resources point of view, based on the latest groundwater resources assessment jointly by CGWB and State groundwater [...] Read moreOutline of hydro-geological report for obtaining No Objection Certificate for industries
1. Brief about the proposed project giving location details, coordinates, google/ toposheet maps, etc. demarcating the project area. 2. Groundwater situation in and around the project area, including water level, quality data and maps, and quality issues, if any. In the case of mines, groundwater conditions in both core and buffer zone should be described. [...] Read moreGuidelines for construction of piezometers and monitoring of groundwater levels and quality
Piezometer is a borewell/tubewell used only for measuring the water level by lowering a tape/sounder or automatic/digital water level measuring equipment. It also takes a water sample for water quality testing whenever needed. General guidelines for the installation of piezometers are as follows: The piezometer is to be installed/constructed at the minimum distance of 50 [...] Read moreAnnual water audits by the industries
Water audit is a systematic process of objectively obtaining a water balance by measuring water flow from the site of water withdrawal or treatment, through the distribution system, and into areas where it is used and discharged. Conducting a water audit involves calculating water balance and use and identifying ways to save water. (Annual water [...] Read more
August 25, 2022
By: admin